Title: The Victims of Benny Hinn: 30 Years of Spiritual Deception. Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:May 17, 2024 Author:Mike Winger Post Date:2024-05-17 23:45:21 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:7340 Comments:1
Benny hinn is just one of many many deceivers performing fake miracles. When I was a kid, Dad and I went to see A A Allen when he came to Houston for a tent revival.
Dad wanted to be healed of Flebitus, and Rev Allen wanted him to sit in a wheel chair and pretend he couldnt walk -- so he could says "In the name of Jesus, stand up and walk!" And others, with cancer, etc were made to lay down on stretchers. And when the time came, they all stood up and walked and ran up and down the isles.
And a lot of people put a lot of money in the offering baskets. A few years later Mr. Allen died of alcoholism -- cirrhosis of the liver.
There's been a lot of "spiritual deceivers" -- hundreds. And movies have been made about them -- my favorite stars Steve Martin.