Title: Mark Levin: I'm sick and tired of these attacks Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Mar 3, 2024 Author:Mark Levin Post Date:2024-03-03 19:34:39 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:697 Comments:4
Critical Race Theory (aka "CRT") is the Marxist philosophy that is intended to induce class conflict and ultimately revolution resulting in a Socialist utopia. Levin is right in pointing out that the demonization of the people of European descent who actually built--with significant help from enslaved Africans--the greatest nation the world has ever known is the Left's way to destroy America. Because, by demonizing White Americans, the Marxists are simultaneously attacking the allegedly "White Values"--work ethic, rugged individualism, belief in a higher Power, etc.- -that made this Nation so great...MUD
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