Title: Raising the Knife Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Feb 20, 2024 Author:REVELATIONS OF JESUS CHRIST Post Date:2024-02-20 22:52:52 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:667 Comments:4
But you know what? I'm not interested in hearing yet one more tired defense of Abraham for his "faith". I've already stated my opinion on the matter.
Abraham did a few utterly reprehensible things during his life, and watching yet another eager fool justify it, as opposed to reading the text carefully and realizing that Abraham got NOTHING for being willing to kill Isaac, and already had shown himself willing to question God, over Sodom and Gemorrah, before Isaac was even born. Nothing anybody is going to put in a film will cover those facts.
So while I might watch it someday, that won't be today. I wouldn't mind having somebody note what I have said here. But I don't expect that, because everybody seems to stumble blindly after Abraham, as though what he did was somehow good. It wasn't.