Title: Abomination of Desolation | THEORY, BIBLE STUDY Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Feb 12, 2024 Author:Truth is Christ Post Date:2024-02-12 00:22:28 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:2857 Comments:2
OK, I watched part of it to make you happy. But like everything else you advocate, the guy's theory about the abomination of desolation is based on the easily disproven theory that it happens in the future.
Daniel tells you exactly when the abomination appears in the Holy Spot , so there is no need to guess about anything concerning it. In the last two verses, Daniel tells us two important dates. First, he tells us exactly when the abomination appears. From the time the sacrifices were taken away (by Nebuchadnezzar) until it appears is 1290 years. Based on the Hebrew sacred calendar, that computes to 685 AD, which is when construction began on the Dome on the Rock. (although there is some debate about exactly when the construction began).
That's when the 1260 years of trampling of Jerusalem began, ending at the end of 3 1/2 years of great tribulation and followed 3 1/2 years later by restoration of Israel and the flying through the air of the half-dead survivors of Hitler's concentration camps (as predicted in the Revelation).
Next Daniel says says Blessed is he who waits an additional 1335 years. Adding 1335 years to 685 years you get (depending on which calendar you use, etc.) approximately when Jerusalem became the capital of Israel again (a process initiated by President Trump and then acknowledged eventually by other nations).
How on Earth anyone could think the Dome on the Rock could appear in the future is beyond my comprehension. Its been there for 1335 years for God's sake.