Title: The GOSPEL of the ALIENS | Fallen Angels | Giants | Anunnaki Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Jan 16, 2024 Author:REVELATIONS OF JESUS CHRIST Post Date:2024-01-16 21:38:15 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:905 Comments:8
The Shroud of Turin and Oviedo cloth tell me that SOMETHING miraculous happened after Jesus' death. Faith tells me what, but if I leave all faith aside, I am nevertheless left with the reality that that image was formed on that cloth in a way that defies explanation.
And 10,000 Near Death Experience stories corroborate that there is SOMETHING after death.
So even if were to try to be an atheist (had I never talked to God) I would not be able to hold the position. I would have to say what I say now: I don't KNOW the details, but the evidence tells me that there is SOMETHING after death, and Jesus of Nazareth was certainly SOMETHING unusual because of that cloth. And even if the voice of God within my is schizophrenia, my schizophrenia, then, drives me to impulsively find Jesus' teachings about how man should love his fellow man to be right and true.
And of course I do talk to God, and I think the Shroud proves the resurrection, and the NDE's prove what I see as what Jesus taught about the afterlife. (Even if the details of that are rather different from what are taught down at the Church.)
But when I look at all of the "evidence" for space aliens, I see nothing but spit, paper clips and tissue paper. There's nothing there, other than wild-eyed conspiracy theorists spouting what sound to me like paranoid delusions.
Now, if they HAD something...if they HAD 10,000 NDEs, or a Shroud, or Lourdes healings, or incorrupt bodies of saints...there would be something to discuss. But they have NOTHING.
And in THAT regard they are like the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, Mystic Crystal Pizza nuts and Pastafarians: they have bupkis. No proof, nothing to think about, nothing but the same paranoid delusions and screaming about hell, that just makes me roll my eyes and think "Ok, let's be better strangers."
BECAUSE Jesus has some proof behind him, and the others don't, I take HIM seriously, and write off all the rest - including the aliens - as the imaginations of disturbed and disturbing people.
I would do the same thing with Jesus too, but I can't, because of the evidence I cited. There's something to him. If any of the alien or Muslim claims had a SHRED of proof behind them, I'd look. They have nothing. So I reject them as nonsense.
I think we are all alone in the universe. That the only other beings, intelligent or otherwise, out there beside terrestrial creatures is God (certainly) and maybe angels and demons...though there's no proof of them, either.
I'm not very much fun at occult parties, because "You guys are RIDICULOUS" is written all over my face.
Jesus is different. My Jehovah's Witness Brother in Law sat me down to talk about the Bible. I said No, I won't discuss the Bible, but I WILL discuss Jesus - he's the supreme authority in there, and I'll listen to HIM. My brother in law became frustrated, because it turns out that every bad doctrine he wants to spout that's in the Bible is NOT from Jesus. And the doctrines that ARE from Jesus very seriously dilute or change what the JW's want to teach.
That's my standard with evangelists of all types. We agree on Jesus, so let's talk Jesus. They never do. They always want some doctrine that didn't come from Jesus. No sale. "It says that the man who lies with the man shall be put to death!" Yup, Moses said that. He ALSO SAID that the man and his wife who have sex during their period are to be cut off, destroyed. And whoever works on Saturday. And the woman raped in the city - she is to be killed. And disrespectful children - kill them. And the daughter of priest? If she fornicates her, burn her alive. And you shall not suffer a witch to live. And more, so much more. Moses said ALL of those things. They ALL carry the death penalty. You are focusing on the ONE, while wholesale disregarding the rest, because...?
Because you're (no, not YOU, the person I'm talking to, my interlocutor). a bigot who LIKES that one rule, and who doesn't like or follow the other ones. So the other ones are "ceremonial", while the rules you LIKE, those are moral.
Chyeah. SERIOUSLY? Go away. What a joke!
Aliens? Same thing. Not one shred of proof. Never was. Never will be. If you believe in aliens, you're soft-headed. That is my assessment. But don't tell anybody, because they might get butt-hurt, and we wouldn't want THAT.
to talk about the Bible. I said No, I won't discuss the Bible,
but I WILL discuss Jesus - he's the supreme authority in there, and I'll listen to HIM
There you go disobeying Jesus again. And no you don't take him seriously because you say the Old Testament isn't from God. You mock the scriptures he told you to study.
39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.
So, if you eat pork or shellfish - cut off (i.e.: killed) And if you're a raped woman in the city? - execution! If you're a rebellious child? Killed by the whole village! If you work on Saturday? Death for you! If you're the daughter of the priest who fornicates? Burned alive! If you are a boy, a man or a woman of a captured city, death! But if you're a virgin girl? Sexual slavery!
Not a JOT nor a TITTLE shall pass from the Law, til all be fulfilled.
Now you understand very clearly what the Law IS, and why I reject it as utterly barbaric.
My choice? Well, I notice Jesus said that, yes, but then he went ahead and changed all sorts of laws. "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone." THAT is contrary to the law. You are to KILL the adulteress, according to Yahweh. HE never made an exception for you being a sinner.
But he DID say that anyone who changes any of these laws is a false prophet and is to be killed. Which is WHY, in the Jewish literature nobody talks about, the early Jews said that Jesus was killed: false prophet, blasphemer, changed the law, rightly put to death.
The Law is unacceptable and barbaric. Jesus changed it for the better. Even though he said he wasn't changing it, he did, all over the place.
The answer is that Jesus changes some things in the New Testament. Those things he changed are specific. Anything he didn't change still stands. That is my take right now.
Yahweh: Death if you gather wood or leave your tents on Saturday. Jesus: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. It's right to do good on the Sabbath. It's right to walk through the fields far away from your house and eat the tassles of grain you grab there.
Yahweh: If you eat pork or shellfish you will be "cut off". Jesus: What goes into your mouth doesn't make you unclean, but what comes out of it. Holy Spirit: Take, Peter, and eat (of the unclean things in the sheet).
Yahweh: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Jesus: Turn the other cheek.
Yahweh: You will take the woman caught in adultery and stone her! Jesus: "Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone.
Yahweh: Put to death whoever tries to change these laws. Jesus: Changes the laws (but SAYS he's not - "Not a jot nor a tittle..."