Fact Check Bad Cops Latest information shows there are 686,665 full-time law enforcement officers in the US. A recent study finds there are around 1,100 police officers arrested each year. That is an averare of 3 each day. This means that only 0.15 percent of all cops are arrested. The latest data base shows there were a tptal of 10,350,950 people arrested in the US in 2018. The census for 2018 shows the population of the US to 327,200,000. This indicates that 3.16 percent of the US population was arrested. Records show there is an average of 3 bad cops arrested each day. And there are multiple websites dully dedicated to locating those stories and editorializing horrifically nasty about them. There are as many as 20 different websites doing this each day. It is therefore most unfortunate that you will seldom see stories about the remaining 686,663 full-time law enforcement officers in the US who preform admirably to all lawful and social standards because there are not 20 different websites devoted specifically to this purpose Consequently, you will only see a flood of stories about the 3 bad cops. This saturation of articles about the 3 bad cops has the intended purpose to make it look like there is a multitude of bad cops everywhere. It is unfortunate that the editorialized bad news in these articles works on some people who will simply believe what they want to believe. I will be pleased to have anyone factually document a correction the numbers I have presented here or dispute my commentary. Please do