Title: WEBSITE CLAIM:Bible Proof of the Flat Earth Truth Source:
CELEBRATE TRUTH URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cApXPTrOf7A Published:Sep 10, 2015 Author:CELBRATE TRUTH Post Date:2019-03-28 11:46:23 by Liberator Keywords:NASA, HOAX, BIBLE-TRUTH Views:10572 Comments:67
Genesis 1:7,8 King James Version (KJV)
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Poster Comment:
Yes, your immediate and natural visceral reaction will be to fully dismiss "Flat Earth" and this video. (it's relatively short: 15 minutes.) Can such a case be made in just 15 minutes? Maybe. Maybe not. But it might light a fuse.
Q: What do the PTB fear most from the people? A: KNOWLEDGE
That's why they've flooded the culture in "Entertainment" and made us obsessed with Movies, TV, Sports, etc. ANYTHING to distract us from actually knowledge and critical thinking
I admittedly have initially fully dismissed "Flat Earth" as a "Conspiracy Theory" designed to make ALL "Truthers" look foolish
But something happened..
I began noticing MSM, Neil De Grasse, Bill the Science Guy, Discovery Channel, History Channel, YouTube sources ALL discussing the subject. But in panic mode. They were actually going way out of their way to disprove Flat Earth and ridicule it. If it's so absurd, why bother wasting their time
That only made me need to take a closer look at the theory. Once the PTB makes a subject VERBOTEN, one must believe, "Where there's smoke, there's fire."
Then I noticed ridicule and heavy criticism of NBA player Kyrie Irving for his public belief in Flat Earth; Same of Steph Curry for his unbelief of the Moon Landings. (BOTH were forced to apologize.
That was a Red Flag
If "Flat Earth" is so absurd to begin with, again -- why chastise Curry and Irving spend ANY time and programming to refute others theory and content, and ridicule it? (Is it because they could possibly influence young fans to explore the truth of both matters?
Did you know access to the Antarctica is strictly verboten (other than as brief organized tours? 5,400,000 square miles of earth is completely OFF LIMITS (except to military and "Scientists.") Have you even ever questioned it
You will need to further research the the subject independently. The PTB is currently still in a panic mode; YouTube is busy scrubbing and taking down Flat Earth vids but they keep on popping back up
You will obviously cite a lifetime of staring at globes, "photos from space," the 1960s-70s "Moon Landings," "science," books, space exploration, pictures, movies, Star Trek, history, NASA, "established astronomy"; CONSTANT repetition, imprinting, and conditioning
This is the very same PTB that established "Evolution" as "Settled Science."
This is the very PTB that now say "we lost the technology to get to the moon."
NASA is a complete fraud. They have routinely relied on "Artist Rendering," Photoshop, and CGI for their depictions
(Btw, Where are the Hubble Telescope photos OF EARTH? Or, MOON?
The truth hurts. No one want their reality and belief system turned upside down, so we accept what we're told
We have been lied to. Repeatedly
A Flat Earth requires you to revamp your entire hardwired precepts of this world and literally changes EVERYTHING. Including (especially) about God, Creationism, validation of Genesis, AND our very Physical Realm.
As I have, you will have to explore the subject and argument for yourself. Flat Earth theory and explanations ARE convincing. But it will take time to wrap around your head
On what other subjects is discussion, opinion and challenges verboten online or shouted down in public by The Establishment
1) Islam
3) Chemtrails
4) 911
5) Moon Landings
6) 0bama's BC and his entire history
7) Dinosaur Age
8) Evolution
9) Russia Collusion (Wait; Mark that off the list)
10) Age of Earth/Universe
On what other subjects is discussion, opinion and challenges verboten online or shouted down in public by The Establishment?
1) Islam 2) LGBTQ 3) Chemtrails 4) 911 5) Moon Landings 6) 0bama's BC and his entire history 7) Dinosaur Age 8) Evolution 9) Russia Collusion (Wait; Mark that off the list) 10) Age of Earth/Universe
Of course the real conspiracy, Israel collusion is left off the list.
Just PRETEND that Hillary & Donald are not 100% Israel First.
Donald & Hillary, Satan's Fallen Angel Rebels (they ain't Boris & Natasha)
Flat Earth - using yukon like logic (none) they proceed to purposely misinterpret select scripture, and claim victory. Ain't buying it!
Flat Earth - using yukon like logic (none) they proceed to purposely misinterpret select scripture, and claim victory. Ain't buying it!
Why cite and weaponize the past ridicule and discrediting of Yukon?
Just say you won't and can't bother listening to any Flat Earth theory. It doesn't affect the Truth, my life or my opinion of you.
But to claim a Flat-Earth reality "purposely misinterpret[s] select scripture" and "claim[s] victory tells me you haven't even scraped the surface. If you need to shut down the argument out of the box it's still ok. Most people will.
In an epic turn of irony, it turns out Galileo was actually WRONG. And Vatican RIGHT. The Earth IS the center of all things God created. As is man. Just as God's Scripture states.
The Heliocentric theory (Sun = Center of solar system) is a very young theory based NOT on real science or observation, but on bogus science, presumption of taking the word of the PTB, and MENTAL IMPRINTING, REPETITION and CONDITIONING. Yes, just like the "Theory" of "EVOLUTION."
We currently live in a world in which we have been purposely deceived in many meaningful manners. The deception is increasing.
Discounting Genesis, and with it, a literal Word of God was required in order to advance the absurdly bizarre and proven Evolution Fairy Tale -- and with it the whole "Big Bang" Fairy Tale, "13 billion year old universe" and everything else the Cult of Science" has taught.
The Heliocentric theory (Sun = Center of solar system) is a very young theory based NOT on real science or observation,
Sorry, but that is a patently false statement. I believe it was Copernicus who was attributed credit for the heleo centric theory and it was very much self validating because it cleanly explained why the outer planets seemed to stop and go backwards against the backdrop of stars on a near annual basis as observed from earth. With the sun being the center of the solar system, that apparent reverse movement is explained by earth orbiting the sun (at a much faster speed), and the outer planet movement was then qualified as being relatively constant without any reversals.
Therefore, I think it is objectively true to say the Heliocentric theory was very much validated by observation.
If you are going to go with the Earth being the center of the universe (I acknowledge that could be a completely separate argument that the Earth is flat), be prepared to explain the apparent reverse movements of the outer planets as astronomers from hundreds of years ago did.