In all honesty, whether coming from the "left" or the "right" political variations, I really believe there is seriously something wrong with Trump fascination.
In all honesty, whether coming from the "left" or the "right" political variations, I really believe there is seriously something wrong with Trump fascination.
Keep in mind, all these vids nowadays are trying to get monetized.
They indicate nothing of what the creators believe. They're out to make a buck with anything that draws clicks. And that's all.
I was struck by the no-escape aspect, despite being peddled by the usual shameless clickbaiters of YouBoob.
The Left tries to implement a no-escape campaign to silence all opposition to their policies. But there is also a no-escape aspect to the Right as well.
We spend a lot of time in this country trying to make the other guys unhappy so we can smugly gloat about it. Hopefully it will help us to Make America Great Again.