This month marks the spring equinox. We celebrate the return of spring and the end of the long, dark winter months. This season is about new beginnings and rebirth. An equinox occurs twice a year, at the beginning of spring and again at the beginning of fall, when the days and nights are equal in length. This is a day of planting. We not only plant in the physical sense of the word but also in the spiritual and mental sense. We plant the seeds of the crop we wish to grow and nurture until the harvest. The spring equinox has been celebrated for centuries all over the world. The Mayans and present day Maya people have celebrated spring for more than 10 centuries. Numerous cultures, including Pagans, have had several names for this time of year as well as the festivals held. Festivals include Alban Elfed, the Teutonic festival in honor of Eostre, Roman Hilaria Matris Deum, Welsh Gwyl Canol Gwenwynol (Day of the Gorse), the Wiccan Ostara Sabbat and the Christian Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary (Lady Day) as well as Easter. In more recent history, neo-Pagans, mainly Wiccans, have begun to celebrate this day as Ostara. Though not an ancient path, Wicca is based on ancient traditions and is a modern form of Paganism created by Dr. Gerald B. Gardner in 1954.
The origin of the word Ostara is Eostre, which is a spring goddess from Germanic lore. Keeping in mind that Ostara is a modern Sabbat observed by most Wiccans, ancient Celtic tribes did not celebrate Ostara but did recognize and celebrate the change of the season.
There are many symbols often associated with Ostara or the epring equinox. It is common to include hares and colored eggs. These are all symbols of fertility and birth or rebirth. The hare was sacred in many ancient traditions and was associated with the moon goddesses and the various deities of hunting. Often, these symbols are shaped into candies and eaten based on the principle belief that by eating something we take on its characteristics. Because we want our seedlings to grow, we focus on and consume fertility symbols.
When looking at the traditions associated with the spring equinox and various religious denominations or paths, the numerous observances or practices have several commonalities. We are not so different. The question of late seems to be, "Can we coexist?" Is tolerance possible? Yes it is. My way may not be for all, but I find a peace and understanding of existence that works for me. This is the basis of Unity Day on March 31. Our directions are not so different after all.
A friend once explained to me that there are many routes to get to California. We can take a different road but when all is said and done, we are heading to the same overall destination.