One day Obama fell asleep in his chair in the Oval Office. In his dreams he was in a ballroom with all of the past presidents of the United States of America. Since he admired Abraham Lincoln more than any other president he decided to strike up a conversation with him. Obama walks up to Lincoln and says; "I really appreciate what you did for my people during your presidency, it took a lot of courage to do that".
Lincoln responds; "Well thank you I'm glad you think I did a good job during my presidency".
Obama then said; "What do you think of the job I've been doing".
Abe thought about this for a few seconds and then replied; "Son...... It's best to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt".
Obama just stood there speechless as Abe walked away....
Moral of the story: Don't ask the question if you can't handle all of the possible answers!!!